Social Security Explained - part of the Putnam County Financial Ewareness Series

Social Security Explained - part of the Putnam County Financial Ewareness Series

November 9, 2021

The Putnam County Libraries have teamed up again! This time, to bring you a series on Financial Awareness. You are sure to enjoy Mark Lange, a knowledgeable and entertaining speaker from the Society for Financial Awareness (SOFA). Please join us with questions you may already have!
The first four workshops are the core curriculum. with another set of four workshops to follow.
This first workshop will focus on the following.
- When did Soc. Sec. start
- What is OASDI
- How it is financed
- Who’s eligible to receive retirement benefits
- What is Full Retirement Age, and why is this so important
- How your benefit amount is calculated
- Reduced benefits and delayed credits
- Spousal and Survivor benefits
- Key things to consider
REGISTER HERE: for Social Security Explained.

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